Courses & Events

Find below a list of permaculture and sustainability events, workshops and courses in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania.

You can add your event / course. All you need in an account.

starts from
EventsNordic Permaculture Festival 2024 - Himmelbjerggården,Ry,Denmark
EventsPDC in Denmark - Friland - Permakulturhaven ,Rønde,Denmark
Peek into Permaculture in HelsinkiPeek into Permaculture in Helsinki - Naapuruustalo Mellari,Helsinki,Finland
EventsSatoisa metsäpuutarha -kurssi -
EventsAhlmanEdun Syötävä metsäpuutarha -kurssi, syyskuu 2024 -
EventsOmställningskonferensen 2024 -

Previous events can be found in our archive.

Everyone with an account can directly add events. 

People without and account can publish their permaculture related events related using our form. On average it will take about 2 weeks until we publish. Don't last minute post here.

For European courses check the EuPN website.