Projektit ja paikat

Tästä löydät luettelon permakulttuuriin liittyvistä hankkeista ja paikoista Suomessa ja Pohjoismaissa (ja vähän muuallakin!).

Osa niistä on avoinna yleisölle. Jotkut tarjoavat luentoja eri aiheista.

Lisää oma projektisi. Muista rekisteröityä ensin! 

Nordic Permaculture

LAND-spire Skoghage, permaculture design, focus on children and age interaction, reuse, handicrafts, local food, Debio approved, Inn på tunet services.

Nordic Permaculture

Welcome to the Permakulturgaarden, located in Skovvirke, which is a cluster of 6 uses of 1½ ha each. In addition, we have 2 ha in common here.

Nordic Permaculture

Svarttorpet is a permaculture farm in Höga Kusten, located between Härnösand and Högakustenbron, cultivation zone 5.

Nordic Permaculture

Eva Rappe has a small-scale egg production on the farm in Tullus, Jämtland. We cultivate without artificial fertilization and spraying.

Nordic Permaculture

Borrabo's operations are run by the family Arvidsson, Ylva, Johan and Siri, who have owned the farm since 2008. They have written the book "Permaculture! The future in your garden"

Nordic Permaculture

Outside Lönashult just west of lake Åsnen, Ylvali and Dagar Groblad have established several different sustainable solutions. 

Beyond Buckthorns main permaculture garden
Permakulttuuriprojekti Pälkäneellä, Laitikkalan kylässä.
Nordic Permaculture
Kronobergs län

Outside Lönashult just west of lake Åsnen, Ylvali and Dagar Groblad have established several different sustainable solutions. 

Beyond Buckthorns main permaculture garden
Permakulttuuriprojekti Pälkäneellä, Laitikkalan kylässä.
Nordic Permaculture
Västra Götalands län

Borrabo's operations are run by the family Arvidsson, Ylva, Johan and Siri, who have owned the farm since 2008. They have written the book "Permaculture! The future in your garden"

Nordic Permaculture

LAND-spire Skoghage, permaculture design, focus on children and age interaction, reuse, handicrafts, local food, Debio approved, Inn på tunet services.

Nordic Permaculture

Welcome to the Permakulturgaarden, located in Skovvirke, which is a cluster of 6 uses of 1½ ha each. In addition, we have 2 ha in common here. Permaculture forestry is the type of agriculture that stores the most carbon per ha.

Nordic Permaculture
Säbrå distrikt

Svarttorpet is a permaculture farm in Höga Kusten, located between Härnösand and Högakustenbron, cultivation zone 5. From having been an abandoned summer farm on just over one hectare of land, we are now building up farms, renovating the houses and closing the loop.

Puuttuuko jotain?

Tiedätkö permakulttuuripaikan, joka puuttuu kartalta? Käytä lomakettamme lisätäksesi sen.

Jos olet paikan omistaja, luo tili ja lisää paikkasi.