Welcome to the registration process. If you want to be part of the Nordic Permaculture community you have to fill in the details below. 

1. Registration | 2. Approval | 3. Welcome!

Registration mails might end up in your Spam folder - please check your Spam-Folder and move the registration mail out of the spam folder.

Account settings
The email address is not made public. It will only be used if you need to be contacted about your account or for opted-in notifications.
Monet erikoismerkit ovat sallittuja, kuten välilyönti, piste (.), yhdysmerkki (-), lainausmerkki ('), alaviiva (_) ja @-merkki.
I have read the privacy policy and acknowledge it.
Valitse uutiskirjeet, joihin haluat liittyä.
Please fill in the details of your Permaculture Design Certificate
Kirjoita kuvassa näkyvät merkit.