Autumn 2024

Hi there,

here in Finland autumn finally has arrived. The trees are turning golden. What a delightful view! Soon there will be snow and our garden work comes to a hold - but our design work continues. 

The PermaTalks (also known as PermaPuheet) will continue in its 5th year in 2025. If you want to submit your lecture please use the form at the European Permaculture Network (EuPN) website

The UK Permaculture Association will host their annual education gathering in November. Signup is open at

Holma will hold a Teacher Training in February 2025. Details can be found at - Teachers are Alfred Decker, Andreas Jonsson and Cathrine Dolleris. 

The Nordic Permaculture Festival will be held in Iceland in 2025. We will provide more information when it becomes available. For past festivals check

Translation of the content at to all Nordic languages will continue. If you are a translator and want to contribute translations feel free to contact us



Contribute to permaculture research - PDC requirements questionnaire

The European Permaculture Network (EuPN) is conducting research regarding PDC requirements. If you're involved in teaching or coordinating a PDC, they need your input. Please take a few minutes to fill out their questionnaire at . It takes about 5 minutes to fill it in. 


PermaPuheet Vol. 4 videos are online for free

The much-anticipated recordings of PermaPuheet Volume 4 are now publicly accessible, providing an opportunity for enthusiasts and learners to explore the latest in permaculture discussions. This volume, featuring insightful lectures such as "Digital Permaculture" by Aimee Fenech, Douglas Locklin and Dominik Jais and "Living in the Forest Garden" with Bernhard Gruber, offers a rich resource for anyone interested in sustainable living and environmental design.