PermaPuheet vol.4 - looking for teachers

PermaPuheet vol.4 in 2024

The 4th volume of the PermaPuheet will start in January 2024. This year it will be in co-operation with Vihreä Pourusmäki and the European Permaculture Network (EuPN). 

The current confirmed teachers are:

  • Aranya - Deep Permaculture
  • Brenna Quinlan - permaculture art as activism
  • Luontoliitto - introduction to
  • Katie Shepherd
  • Linda Blättler - Permaculture as social ecological system in science

If you want to be a teacher as well please fill in the form at the EuPN website. There are currently 3 open slots.

Update 12.2023 - all teacher slots are taken. 
